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Cherry Enterprises

Take the time to browse through some words about us from clients, colleagues and friends.

Rebecca Cherry worked with Dairy Innovation to provide assistance with HR management, policy and procedures as well as developing induction, recruitment and policy manuals.

Rebecca fitted straight in and got on with the job. She has a no-nonsense approach with a cheerful attitude and increased our productivity significantly by providing the expertise and resources to complete a number of time consuming tasks while business continued uninterrupted.

I value the service that Rebecca was able to deliver and have added Cherry Enterprises to my ‘useful contacts’ for future opportunities.
Lesley MacLeod, Dairy Innovation Australia

Cherry Enterprises has provided our organisation with invaluable information that will greatly support our business growth. We are in a much stronger position with respect to our HR planning and general business planning.

The program enabled me to review where our business is, what the future opportunities are and how to take practical action in moving forward to achieve our goals.

Rebecca, thank you for all your assistance, insight and commitment to delivering outstanding outcomes.
David Carman, Director, CarmanWhite Pty Ltd

Rebecca Cherry is the most determined businesswoman I know.

A serial entrepreneur, she gives her all to each and every initiative she has ever started or been a part of. Her passion is infectious and her ability to get anyone to do anything is Melbourne legend.

These days it seems everyone is well connected, but Rebecca knows everyone and if by some chance they are outside her formidable network, it is never by more than one degree. Rebecca thinks about the bigger picture and the longer term. As for being innovative, she doesn’t think outside the square; the square was never there in the first place.

And she cares for people– really cares – as if they were family, because to her they are.
Andrew Donovan FAICD, Company Director, Thoughtpost

The Home Based Business Accelerator Program was beneficial in altering perception in relation to access to markets, considered to be a major barrier to growth by 37% of participants. At the end of the program this figure had reduced to 19% so clearly a number of [SME] participants were able to gain sufficient information and confidence to review their position on market access for their business.
Home Based Business Accelerator Program Steering Committee

Rebecca Cherry’s involvement in the Business3000 Melbourne Business Awards has shown her to be an exceptional project manger, with an in-depth knowledge of issues facing businesses of all sizes. She has a remarkable ability to bring together businesses, sponsors and individuals from different backgrounds to work together in a very complementary fashion.
Russell Hannan, DTZ and Business3000 Chairman

Cherry Enterprises

Website and copy by Loz Blain

This site Copyright © 2003-2008 Cherry Enterprises. All rights reserved.